Bulk SMS or Bulk WhatsApp, which is better for marketing to increase your business?
Messaging is the most popular source of communication. messaging is done more than the telephonic conversation. Now comes the point of the source of messages.
The most popular one is WhatsApp, the famous messaging app. Whatsapp is the most commonly used app for communicating all over the world. It has globally 2 billion active users sending 65 million messages every day. it’s no surprise that Facebook (the developers behind WhatsApp) expanded its platform to include a business application.
And if we talk about bulk messaging, so the normal messing comes first.
But first, let’s understand what is bulk messaging
Bulk messaging is sending a large number of messages covering a large number of people.
Nowadays for business Such as running competition, marketing campaigns, notifications for employees, promotions, or events. Bulk messages play a vital role which enables us to send messages to a huge number of people at once. This is the most useful and safe way for delivering Sms or contacting customers worldwide safely, quickly, and directly.
Bulk mass messaging can be proved as the best platform to use for sending a large number of Sms messages to a broad audience at once.
The Mobile Phone has become an important communication device and it is ubiquitous. This makes Bulk SMS more important for the business. Bulk SMS is a powerful marketing tool that allows business owners to engage with their target customers via mobile technology. In other words, you can blast out a huge quantity of messages to your customers, with just a few clicks.
But as you know a coin has 2 sides
Let’s understand it individually
Advantages of Bulk SMS
1)Speedy and effective
Bulk SMS is a fast and efficient way to reach your customers. With Bulk SMS marketing, messages can be delivered to your target audience in just a short time. Bulk SMS can be sent out anytime (days or nights) and your recipients can receive it anytime and anywhere even without an internet connection.
Time is Gold. Bulk SMS can give you a surprise as you can blast your messages instantly and get a response instantly.
2) Cost-effective
Conventional advertising such as newspapers or TV advertising requires a high cost and it might not be affordable for small businesses. It is an effective marketing method for small businesses or newcomers who are looking for advertising with just a tiny fraction of the cost.
According to surveys, 90% of SMS messages are read within 3 minutes.
3) Strengthen customer relationships
Being wished happy birthday on your special day by a company makes you feel special.
This helps strengthen customer relationships and create loyal customers. It helps you maintain consistent engagement with your customers. Done right, you can outrun your competitors by staying connected with your customers regularly. They will remember you easily.
4) Personalized and customized
You can customize your SMS content messages with personalized customer’s names, company names, or other information you have for your contacts. With this, you can show your customers that they are important to you.
5)Location Targeting
Reach surely no matter what the location, time, or phone status is:
SMS reaches its users irrespective of the location and time. Even when their phone is out of coverage area or is in inactive mode, the messages reach their target users the moment this device is switched off
6)Don’t Need Smartphone
you don’t need a smartphone for receiving an SMS– a regular mobile phone is just what you need.
7) High readability
Surveys show that 97% of SMS messages that were sent out are instantly read. This is because nowadays everyone has a phone with them and it takes only 5 seconds to read an SMS. The open rate of Bulk SMS is higher than other marketing tools.
However, there are also some drawbacks of Bulk SMS.
1) Limited Word Count
You can only create short content for your messages as Bulk SMS has a limit on the number of words. Sometimes, this limits the message that you wish to deliver to your customers. Thus when using Bulk SMS, your content should be straight to the point.
2) Limited Format
The only format that can be used in Bulk SMS is word content. Users are not allowed to add any image or animation effect.
3) Ensuring SMS readability is not possible
It can’t be ascertained whether the SMS you have sent had been read by your target audience or not.
Now let’s talk about WhatsApp
Advantages of WhatsApp messaging
1) Secured
Whatsapp marketing is promoting products or brands by providing all kinds of securities. There is a high chance that the frauds can easily copy the concept of the product or the brand and then promote it in his name. As a result, the company must face a great loss. But using the Whatsapp marketing service, the company can be tension-free.
2) Easy to use
Whatsapp is a mode of communicating device that is easy to use. Anybody can use it for its easy features. So it can be a good marketing tool to promote the brands or products.
3) Acceptance
It can undoubtedly be said that Whatsapp has gained popularity all over the world. It is very difficult to find a single person who doesn’t use Whatsapp. So Whatsapp marketing helps to expand the market value of the particular products
4)Many Features
WhatsApp has many features that other social platforms do not that benefit your company and can improve your marketing efforts.
5)Good Open Rate
Around 70 percent of messages on the site are opened. Those numbers are much better than just about any email marketing platform!
6) Help in Social Media
You also won’t have to pay to promote your posts or to get higher visibility with your followers, like you have to do with other social media platforms
Disadvantages of WhatsApp bulk messaging
1) No multiple choices
The worst thing about Whatsapp marketing is that the user can have only one account at a time on a device. So there are no multiple choices to promote the brands. As a result, the speed of promoting the products may be less than the other marketing tools.
2) Numerous Messages
The Company has to send numerous messages to the customers that might be annoying and for that reason, most people avoid reading that message.
3) Powerful Competitors
Whatsapp has many powerful competitors including Facebook and Instagram which are professionally used as social media marketing tools. They fulfill a higher reach than Whatsapp.
4) Personal Use
Primarily, the drawback to WhatsApp is that it was made for personal messaging and not brand marketing.
5) You can block
With the WhatsApp marketing software, the sending time is delayed, and it’s tedious. Every time you send a bulk message over WhatsApp, you will need a dedicated sim card mobile number. There are also restrictions on how many messages you can send per hour.
6) No Reporting
WhatsApp was not created for businesses, it also does not have in-depth analytics. It only shows what messages have been sent and received.
7) Need Internet
The target needs to be an in-network area because WhatsApp messages cant be delivered without an internet connection
Despite the drawbacks, if done right, Bulk SMS can give a strong boost to your sales and customer relationship. It is one of the best marketing tools that can help you reach more and more customers.
To know which one is good for your business, Choose free to call us
Thank you very much for sharing this wonderful article!! Bulk sms marketing is very effective in all the industry. We can connect with our customer in easy go.